Come out, come out, wherever you are

7 Oct

I hear it but can’t find it. “Choo-choo.” It taunts me as I search in the dark of Nate’s room while he sleeps. I don’t even really know what it is. “Choo-choo.” I pause. Hold my breath. Direct my better ear to where I think I – “choo-choo.” Wait. Did that come from in Nate’s room or not?

I walk out of the room and head toward the living room. I freeze and search and freeze and search for what seems like forever and finally decide to go to bed. Of course, that’s when I hear it again.

I walk to the hallway and go to Nia’s room this time. Nothing. But it sounds so close! I sneak back into Nate’s room and start silently searching again. This time it becomes more difficult because the ridiculousness of it all strikes me as funny and I struggle to muffle my laugh. The “choos” continue.

Andrew assists in the search but still nothing. We decide to surrender for the night. After all, it had been going off for hours and hadn’t disturbed the kids, it should be ok. Yes, it still disturbed me, but I knew I needed to be well-rested to defeat the noisy, sneaky object.

It wasn’t until my ears woke up to the never-ceasing – “choo-choo” – that I figured out where the toy was hiding. It had been chilling out amongst their bathroom books all night. Choo-choo, I found you.



Peek a Book


And, introducing the “choo” that didn’t end – until I ended it.

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